Small/Micro Incision Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery
You are planning to undergo surgery for the removal of a cataract through a small, self-sealing incision which does not usually require any stitches. A specially chosen, foldable, artificial lens will be inserted into your eye to replace the abnormal one. The recovery from this type of operation is much faster than in the past and now patients come into clinic, have their operation and go home all within a couple of hours. Visual results are usually excellent.
During and after the operation
Prior to surgery I will arrange for both a pre-operative assessment and special measurements (biometry) to be taken of your eye in order to choose the most appropriate lens to replace your original one with. You will be given anaesthetic and dilating drops to put in your eye regularly for an hour prior to attending for your operation. You will be asked to attend the clinic about fifteen minutes before your surgery time. You will not have to change out of your day clothes but wear something comfortable. The consultant anaesthe- tist will also discuss with you any requirements for light sedation if necessary. It is best if someone takes you home after surgery.
When in the operating theatre I will clean around your eye, place a sterile drape over the eyelids to prevent infection and insert a speculum to hold your eyelids open. A member of staff will hold your hand, should you have any concerns or wish to cough you can indicate this by squeezing and we can rectify the problem. The machine we use makes peculiar noises this tells us it is working properly; please don’t be alarmed. After completing the operation your eye will be covered with a clear plastic shield. I would advise that you leave the shield on overnight, it can be removed in the morning. Cleanse your eye with a cotton bud and tepid, recently boiled water. Instill your eye drops as instructed by the nurses. Take paracetamol for any initial discomfort. It is important to use the drops you are prescribed for three weeks post-surgery and avoid strenuous activity. It is important to avoid getting excess water in the eye whilst on the eye drops. Showering or bathing is permitted but avoid swimming. If your eye should become suddenly very red, painful or more blurred during this time you must inform us im- mediately to arrange assessment.